National Story Conference, STORYCON 2007.
A national conference held in California, not just of storytellers, but everyone in the large interdisciplinary field of writers, screen people, etc., experts on Story Creation Techniques, Models, Strategies, Concepts, Application, Philosophy. Discover the power of story-- and how to maximize it in your work. Sponsored by
Rob Kall, StoryCon c/o Futurehealth Inc.
211 N. Sycamore St. Newtown, PA 18940
215-504-1700 EST fax 215-860-5374\
STORY existed as an "art" for over 200,000 years, and the Story business may be the world's largest business, far exceeding $250 billion dollars a year, with over 30 million in the USA alone working in the story business. Just the top ten media companies generate $140 billion+ a year). Besides the worlds of entertainment and publishing, story plays a powerful, often central role in psychology, healing, diplomacy, marketing, product development, corporate and organizational leadership, culture and management. Even lawyers use stories to persuade juries.
"Such a powerful economic and cultural force deserves to be treated with as much respect as other fields with equal or lesser influence and power to change the world and people’s lives. . The potential to further tap the power of story (and through it, the power of the human subconscious and all its creativity and passion) is enormous.
"Somewhere in the early 20th century, scientists like Neils Bohr, Max Planck and Albert Einstein started thinking about physics in new ways that created a scientific revolution affecting the furthest ranging corners of most of this planet. A similar evolutionary leap is taking place at the other end of the reality spectrum, in the world of story.
"The art, science and application of story is going through an enormous explosion of model building, exploration, explanation and explication. Writers, particularly screen writers, are taking a varied range of approaches to identifying the elements, dynamics, dimensions, patterns and even formulae which form stories and myths-- what makes them great, what makes them work."
Taken from, copyright, Ron Kall.
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