Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Spellbinders, suggestions.

veteran and new
some Suggestions
from Paschal

After our shortened meeting last week, several new Spellbinders came up and expressed a concern about wanting more shadowing and more practice. I remember how unsure I was in the fall of 2006 as I began telling io children, even after much experience telling storeys to adults. It is the task of us veterans to help our new members make their transition. I have been thinking about this challenge ever since we met.

I remember and still know that I need several tellings of a ne story before I find my comfort level in doing it and then am more abler to improvise. I remember seeking different classes at Cassidy Elementary in 2006 so I could practice the same story.

Please allow me to make two suggestions to help with this process. .

As we get our first assignments, dates and places in September and later , let us use this email or the blog I have created as a Lexington Spellbinder newsletter to post places where we can be shadowe3d. This would cut down on the busy work in our meetings. I will post the blog address and if you bookmark it as a favorite place, you can have it handy for updates.

Secondly, it is useful for us to try our newly found stores that we want to experiment with, to have small group practice, say with 3 or 4, as w e did in the Spellbinder training. I have talked with Charlie Eyer and we want to host a Story Swap session the second Saturday in September just for this. We can start at 10 and end up with a fish fry at noon, as we did before. My place on Winchester Road. will give us plenty of room insider and outside for this as we have lots of shade trees here. Earlier a few Spellbinders wanted us to meet outside. I believe the outdoor setting adds something to this great campfire tradition. Maybe we could have an evening marshmallow roast with ghost stories here just for fun. Store displays are reminding us October is just around the corner.

I suspect Greg Davis still on a very deserved vacating will approve. Spouses and significant others would be welcome. So, tentatively, let us plan n September 12, following our next meting on September 9, when we can confirm attendance. 80 doers not come often, and Charlie Eyer is about to join me in reaching that wondrous mark.

Since I am soon leaving to spend a couple of weeks with a friend in Canada, I want to get this on the table for out planning. I plan not to be back in Kentucky until about September 8, just before out next meeting.

Paschal and Charlie Eyer
August 19, Wednesday.

P.S. As I am accepting the challenge to introduce Spellbinders to one of our high schools this fall, I need some practice myself with several new teach-in tales I have ‘caught” and plan to use. My jailbirds, “Paschal’s rascals” liked one this past week, but I am not sure of high school students. You can help me with this. I still need my tun at practice. One new one is Michael the Mouse Motivator and his seven different brothers and sisters and what happened to them when they were chased by the dairy barn cat and all feel into a bucket of cream. A story of leadership, no guts, no glory.


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