Story course Completed
Charlie Eyer and Paschal Baute, Lexington Spellbinders, have completed the first run of our new course on the Power of Story.
The course was sponsored by the OLLI Osher Life Long Learning Institute at the University of Kentucky/ "The Origin and Role of Story in History, Culture and Transformation" was the title.
This was our first effort to teach in a retirement village, and we are pleased with the results. Participants were involved, delightful, sharing, intelligent and progressive in outlook. We reached a new demographic group with the power of storytelling and news about Spellbnders.
Evaluations included these remaks:
Learned I was a storyt4eller.
Enjoyed the statement Everyone ha a story.
Appreciated background that led up the story.
Hearing stories, warm cordial presentations, location of class site and ease of parking.
Interesting people who attended.
Suggestions: AdvertiSe better for greater participation.
Better Marketing? Participants reported they signed up for the course because the title was curious. Ms. Lockridge and Paschal have already decided to make the title more alluring by changing it to "whoever Tells the Best Story Wins" rather than the previous more academic one. This latter title expresses more the theme of the course.
This course will be taught this summer, Saturdays, June 12 to July 17, 9:30 - 11:30 A.M. Registration required, 231-5549.
Different title, same curriculum, ?Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins.
Some course is planned to be taught beginning last Wednesday in September, six sessions at Temple Adath Israel on Ashland Avenue in Lexington, as part of the OLLI program. Register at 257-2656.